- Cabinet
- Car parks and parking
- Careplace
- Carers
- Cars for sale on the road
- CCTV footage viewing
- Cemeteries
- Chaperone service
- Child licences, permits and chaperones
- Child protection
- Childcare application for your 2 year old
- Childcare application for your 3 & 4 year old
- Children and families
- Children with disabilities
- Children's services coordination
- Churchyards
- Citizenship ceremonies
- Citizenship ceremonies
- Civil partnership
- Civil partnerships
- Cleansing schedules
- Clinical waste
- Closed circuit television
- Committees
- Community and living
- Community and voluntary sector services
- Community Hall Booking
- Community information
- Community safety
- Community Safety: What's important to you?
- Complaints
- Compliment
- Constitution
- Consultations - have your say
- Contact us
- Contaminated land
- Corporate plan
- Council and elections
- Council leaseholders
- Council meetings
- Council newsletter
- Council tax - direct debit
- Council tax - problems paying
- Council tax account
- Council tax and benefits
- Council tax discounts
- Council tax payment
- Council tax: moving home
- Council tenants
- Councillors
- Councillors, meetings and minutes
- COVID-19 vaccinations
- Crematorium
- Crematoriums
- Crime prevention
- Customer service standards
- Customer services
- Cycle training