Hounslow Council promotes road safety through engineering measures including traffic calming, pedestrian crossings, 20mph speed limits and most recently the introduced of school streets, as well as through a number of educational programmes and campaigns listed in this section.
For more information on traffic calming measures, traffic lights and enforcement go to Traffic page..
You can report a hazard on a road or pavement via the Fix My Street report it function on the website FixMyStreet (hounslowhighways.org).
Read our Transport Policy.
Latest updates
Hammersmith Bridge - Safe route guidance for people affected by closure
The closure of Hammersmith Bridge has meant longer journeys for many people who live in the area and safety concerns for those crossing Barnes Bridge as an alternative route and using the unlit Dukes Meadows towpath, to access Chiswick.
We have installed signs and created a downloadable map for people showing the quickest, fully lit alternative. The fully signposted route, which runs through Staveley Gardens and Alexandra Gardens, takes an estimated two more minutes to cycle and six more minutes to walk than the Dukes Meadow towpath.
In addition the Met Police are operating extra patrols in the area, including patrols by plain clothed officers.