Disability support

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You can get a range of disability services to remove barriers, help you lead a full life and keep your independence.

How to get support

To get support you'll first need to contact us for an assessment. Alternatively, you can start the assessment process online using Autonomy.

From your assessment, we'll be able to find the right support for you or your carer.

Support services available

  • information about care and health services in your community
  • access to rehabilitation services
  • understanding your benefit entitlement
  • travel information, Blue Badge, travel passes
  • advice on specialist equipment and adaptations
  • help with communicating, like sign language interpreter, reading and writing support

Contact us

If you would like a social care assessment, please get in touch.

Telephone: 020 8583 3100

Email for an assessment here

Further information

Other organisation who can support your independence

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