Pay for a council service


Information about which browsers can you use for when paying online to LB Hounslow 

Business and Licensing

Council tax and benefits

Housing – rent, tenants and landlords

Recycling and waste

Parking and other fines (enforcement)

Planning and building

Contact us

Please note that our telephone lines can get very busy at peak times.

Our opening hours:

  • Monday to Thursday 9am - 5pm
  • Friday : 9am - 4.45pm

Environment, Street services and Planning - 020 8583 5555

Parking - 020 8583 2000 (This is an automated payment service, Note all appeals against tickets must be made online. We do not discuss parking tickets by telephone)

Housing & Council Tax Benefit, Council Tax  - 020 8583 4242

Business Rates - 020 8583 5708

Housing Repairs & Tenancy issues including emergency repairs - 020 8583 4000

All other enquiries - 020 8583 2000

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