Claim Council Tax supportView your Council Tax onlineMoving home - let us know Scroll Apply for Council Tax Reduction If you’ve received your Council Tax bill recently and struggling to pay, you may be entitled to a reduction. Find out more and how you can apply What is Council Tax Read why you pay council tax, who is liable and the appeals process GLA Precept Mayor of London’s budget for the 2024-25 financial year. Council Tax discounts Do you qualify for a discounted rate? What is Council Tax support? Paying your Council Tax Ways to pay your Council Tax Problems paying your Council Tax What to do if you are struggling to pay and how we can help you Moving home and your Council Tax If you're moving into or out of Hounslow, let us know immediately, so that we can prepare your correct bill. Changes in circumstances Tell us about any changes you think might affect your council tax support Benefits Information about Housing Benefit, Universal Credit and other financial support, and how to apply Council Tax bands and who pays How much should you be paying? Council Tax appeals How to appeal any aspect of your bill Council Tax booklet Find out how we will continue to invest in the services and priorities we believe are the most important to local residents and make savings where we can Landlord portal Access information about your tenant’s Housing Benefit claim if the payments are made directly to you Upload your evidence Upload Council Tax evidence Upload Benefits evidence Find out more … Property Liability Validation Review