CarePlace directory - Direct Payments (Hounslow Council)

Record details

Service description

If you are eligible for care and support services such as home care or day services, you can now choose to receive an agreed amount of money to organise and pay for them directly instead of the council providing them.

Choosing to receive Direct Payments gives you more say in your care and support and greater choice; you can decide how your needs are met, by whom and at what time.

When we give people money in this way it is known as a Direct Payment. A Direct Payment does not affect social security benefits, and it cannot be classed as taxable income.

Who can receive direct payments?

To be considered you must have been assessed by a social worker as qualifying for help and as someone who would normally receive a direct service. If you have not received a Needs Assessment you can complete one by contacting the First Contact Team on 020 8583 3100 or by email. Alternatively, you can start an assessment using Autonomy.

Direct payments may be made to:

  • people with a physical, sensory or learning disability
  • people with long-term illness
  • people with mental health needs
  • a carer of someone aged 18 and over with needs relevant to the groups of people detailed above
  • adults with parental responsibility for a child with a disability

What can direct payments be used for?

Payments must be used to pay for services that have been agreed in advance and set out in a Support Plan which is written after a Needs Assessment. It is illegal to use Direct payments to pay people living in the same household as you (a friend, relative or spouse, for example) to provide care.

Watch the video about the Hounslow Council Direct Payments Service.

Contact us

To to find out if a Direct Payment is the right option for you and the start the assessment process, call the First Contact Team on 020 8583 3100  or email. To speak to the Direct Payments Team directly, call 020 8583 3051.


First Contact Team
5th Floor
Hounslow House
7 Bath Road

020 8583 3100
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