CarePlace directory - Support Groups in Hounslow

Record details

Service description

There are a number of groups running in Hounslow offering support to carers and people with specific health conditions or disabilities.  These groups provide a welcoming space for residents to come together to share their experiences, get advice, information, and find out about the practical support available to them. As well as social activities, and peer support, groups may offer workshops or invite professionals give presentations or talks. Please contact individual groups for further information.

Groups may meet in-person, online or a combination of both.

Support Group

How it can help

Contact information

Carers Support Group
Long-term Conditions

(Harlington Care on behalf of LBH)

For carers of people with long-term conditions including dementia, Parkinson’s, M.S., and cancer

Meetings via Zoom.

Group meets 1st Thursday of each month between 10.30am and 12.30pm

For more info and links:
T:  01895 258 888

W: Carer Support Group LTC

Carers Support Group Learning Disability

(Harlington Care on behalf of LBH)

For carers who support people with a learning disability or neurodiversity including Autism

Meeting via Zoom.

Group meets 3rd Monday of each month between 10.30am and 12.30pm.

T:  01895 258 888

W: Carer Support Group Learning Disability

Direct Payments Support Group

(Hounslow Council)


Information and advice on employment processes, insurance, and administration, etc

Online MS Teams group for people managing Direct Payments. Open discussion, advice and talks from related services. Quarterly meetings on a Tuesday. Email for link.

T:020 8583 3051


Our Barn Carers Project

(Our Barn)

Drop-in session for anyone with an unpaid caring role or who claims Carers Allowance. Info, advice and help with forms.

The coffee mornings are term time only on Thursdays 10am to 12.30pm at:

Pump & Grind Coffee Shop

London Museum of Water & Steam

Green Dragon Lane, Brentford TW8 0EN

T: 0300 777 2800 (voicemail)

Carers Daily Coffee Morning (Homelink)

Homelink Day Respite Care Centre, Hospital Bridge Rd, Twickenham

Middlesex, TW2 6DE

Information and advice for Carers.

Face-to-face meetings for Carers who support people attending Homelink.

Chat, advice, and information.

Meetings weekdays (except for Wednesdays), from 10am – 11am

T: 020 8255 1992


Hounslow Carers

Connect for Coffee


Homelink Day Respite Care Centre

Hospital Bridge Rd,

Twickenham, Middlesex


Information and advice for Carers.

All Carers welcome but focus is for Carers in Hounslow.

Face-to-face meetings, with informal discussion, get advice and information.

Meet every Thursday, from 10am – 11am.



T: 020 8255 1992   


Singing for the Brain


Homelink Day Respite Care Centre

Hospital Bridge Rd,

Twickenham, Middlesex


All Carers, their loved ones and friends of Homelink welcome.

No booking required.

Meet face-to-face every Wednesday, from 2pm-3pm.

Please note: No classes on 27 March and 3 April.


T: 020 8255 1992   


Music Therapy


Homelink Day Respite Care Centre

Hospital Bridge Rd,

Twickenham, Middlesex


For all Carers and loved ones.

Please call to book in advance.

Meet face-to-face monthly on Tuesdays, from 12.30pm – 2pm.

Please call for dates.


T: 020 8255 1992  


Carers and Loved ones, Saturday Coffee Morning


Homelink Day Respite Care Centre

Hospital Bridge Rd,

Twickenham, Middlesex


All Carers and loved ones welcome.

No booking required.


Meet up face-to-face, on monthly basis on Saturdays, from 10:30am -12:30pm.  Please call for dates.


T: 020 8255 1992


Young Carers
(Brentford FC Community Sports Trust)

Young people under 18 years looking after or supporting someone at home.

Information and advice, activities in the school holidays and a weekly youth club.

T: 020 8326 7044/ 07926 591 468

Carers Coffee Morning

(Integrated Neurological Service or INS)

Squires Garden Centre, Sixth Cross Road, Twickenham TW2 5PA

Support for anyone who provides care and support to an adult with a long-term neurological condition.

INS provide a supportive environment to chat with other carers sharing experiences and useful information. This group takes place monthly on a Tuesday.

T:  020 8755 4000



Carers Share and Learn 

(Carers UK)


Online sessions for carers, from yoga to creative writing, and first aid to getting a better night's sleep. There is something for everyone.

Join fellow carers to take part in activities. Go to the Carers UK website to view activities and join online.


T: 0808 808 7777




Care for a Cuppa (Carers UK)



Online meetups for carers providing them with a space to chat, share experiences and find mutual support.

Held on Zoom, there are weekly sessions, mostly on Monday afternoons from 2-4pm, and a monthly evening session. Find out about all their upcoming session dates and times on their website.

T: 0808 808 7777



Bereavement & End of Life service - based at The Mulberry Centre (London Borough of Hounslow)

Support for anyone bereaved or who is receiving end of life care or supporting someone during the last phase of life.

Service available to anyone who lives or works within the London Borough of Hounslow.


T:  020 8321 6300




General Support Groups


Hounslow Borough Respiratory Support Group

(Formerly Hounslow COPD Support Group)


Support for people with long term respiratory conditions. Assoc membership is open to people diagnosed with any long-term condition.

Face-to-face meetings, gym sessions, outings and events. See website or contact for details.


T: 07933 993 263



Armed Forces

Veterans’ Café

(Armed Forces Covenant in partnership with Hounslow Council)

Various locations across the Borough.


Café for all serving and veterans, of His Majesty’s Armed Forces.

The group meets regularly in a safe, social and informal setting, at locations across the London Borough of Hounslow. Please get in touch for dates and locations.


T: 07966 244728


Hounslow Wellbeing Network (HWN)

Arts Centre in the Treaty Centre and several other locations in the borough of Hounslow.

Support for residents experiencing difficulties with physical or mental health, social isolation, loneliness, depression, and anxiety.

HWN offer a wide range of social and group activities to encourage residents to develop their social network to improve their health and wellbeing.

For the latest schedule of activities please get in touch:


T: 07466 736 718



Autism Hounslow

Hounslow Youth Centre

68 Kingsley Road, Hounslow TW3 1NX · 

Support for autistic people, their families, and friends. Aims to promote the independence and resilience and build the skills, resources, and capacity of its members.

In-person weekly drop-in on Mondays, from 10am – 12 noon. Activities and outings are also organised according to the wishes of the group. A WhatsApp group for parents/carers offers support and activities are organised via this group. Please get in touch to learn more.

T:07471 763 436


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