Hounslow Matters Magazine

Hounslow Matters is published quarterly and is delivered free of charge to every home in the borough. It is also available in local libraries and council offices.

The magazine has a current pagination of at least 32 full colour pages. The magazine is full of useful community news about the services that matter to Hounslow residents.


Click to read the latest issue

Click to read previous issues

Click to e-mail if you're interested in advertising in Hounslow Matters


Distribution data for Hounslow Matters

Magazine Editions

Edition Distribution Month
Spring March
Summer June
Autumn September
Winter December

Distribution dates may be subject to change. Please contact us for artwork submission deadlines.

Advertising Rates

Advert size and placement (height x width) Advert price per issue
Inside front cover & inside back cover £1,800 + VAT
Full page A4 210 x 297mm £1,650 + VAT
Half page 210 x 148mm £900 + VAT
Quarter page 105 x 148mm £500 + VAT
Please note: +3mm bleed on all edges
  • First time booking discount 25%
  • Series booking discounts available: 10% for two issues and 25% for four issues

Advertising Terms and Conditions

By placing an order, the advertiser accepts in full these Terms and Conditions:

  1. It is the advertiser’s responsibility to check that the artwork to be inserted is correct.

  2. This agreement commences on the date of signature and any client wishing to cancel should inform Hounslow Matters within 15 days of advertising deadline date. Failure to do so will result in Hounslow Matters charging for the full cost of the advert.

  3. Although every effort will be made to meet the needs of advertisers, Hounslow Matters reserves the right to cancel or refuse to accept an order without giving explanation and should not be held liable for any loss or damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing.

Print ready artwork requirements

All advertisements to have a bleed of at least 3 mm within the dimensions stipulated, on all sides.

FORMAT: Press-quality PDF

Images: All images to be supplied at 300dpi minimum


In-house design is also available. Rates are available upon request.

To advertise in Hounslow Matters please email.

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