

How to avoid being a dumper!

Flytipping is the illegal dumping of unwanted items. This can be large scale dumping such as by illegal waste carriers or even smaller scale dumping such as leaving an unwanted carrier bag of waste by bins.

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Leaving items in unauthorised areas causes a mess on our streets, can really impacts on people's pride of place, and puts added strain on our service providers - the men and women who work hard to keep our streets clean. We want to help you to dispose of your waste correctly so here are a few tips to get it right:

Please DO  Please DON'T
Recycle as much waste as possible Just dump it all
Leave in designated location Leave it by street bins or on the pavement outside your property (unless authorised to do so – check website)
Place recycling in bins provided Leave it by the recycling bin
Place waste in the bins provided in communal areas Leave it by bins, on the floor of communal areas or on estate grounds
Take unwanted good condition items to a recycling centre or charity shops during opening times Leave outside closed centres or charity shops
Check ways to dispose of your waste correctly Just assume it's ok if you're unsure

Report flytipping

We are committed to reducing flytipping in Hounslow and our Enforcement Team continue to gather evidence from flytipped items in order to investigate the source of dumped waste and impose fines on offenders.

 In 2023, Hounslow Council issued 2826 Fixed Penalty Notices in relation to fly tipping and littering on both public and private land.

We continue to ask our residents to report any flytipping they encounter via the FixMyStreet app or by visiting

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