Volunteer Week 2024

Blog: Culture


My name is Harune Akthar and I live in Hounslow. I have Learning Disabilities and suffer from depression but here at The Arts Centre I have been welcomed with open arms. For the last six months I have been working at the bar as a paid worker and barista. I have also been volunteering as an usher during theatre shows and events across The Arts Centre.

I used to come to The Arts Centre when I was younger and say hello to the old staff that worked here. One night, I came to Jam Night and asked the venue team if they needed any help, so they suggested I work behind the bar, and I haven’t looked back since!

What I enjoy most about working at The Arts Centre is being a part of a supportive community & team and having a regular place of work. Everyone here is a friend to me and when I work here, I always feel so happy and relaxed.

Lots of places in the area shy away from employing adults with learning disabilities whereas The Arts Centre looks past that. They see me as an individual; not like I have a disability or mental health issues. Here at The Arts Centre, you are just you. I would normally try to change myself to fit in but here I can just who I truly am and everyone loves it. It has been amazing to work in a space that is so inclusive and supportive. From shadowing a barista, I was encouraged to work independently after just one shift and run The Wellbeing Network coffee mornings all on my own. 

The Arts Centre gave me immediate responsibility and encouragement and after about a week or two I was employed on contract! My family loves that I am out of the house and working; they would have never pushed me into work if I wasn’t ready, but they are happy for me that I’m here doing the hours that I do.

I had never worked anywhere for a long period of time, this was my first job and it was amazing how much Jonno, Laura, Monica, and The Arts Centre team believed in me. 

I also cannot thank Daisy, another previous staff member at The Arts Centre, enough for giving me this opportunity and encouraging me to jump behind the bar that night. Without her I really wouldn’t be where I am today. The Managers here are not scary, they are always friendly, they get on with everyone, and are always up for a chat. When I get upset, I always have someone that I can speak to. I honestly cannot thank Monica enough for all her help and support. I can go to her with any difficulties that I have and, even when she’s busy, she will always find time to have a conversation with me. Sitting down and having that interaction when I need it makes my day.

Without The Arts Centre, I’m honestly not sure where I would be right now - probably still in bed dealing with my depression in the worst of ways. The Arts Centre has given me a place to be, a reason to get out of bed, and a community to be a part of. This has truly been an opportunity like no other. It has given me the purpose of getting up, coming out, working, and chatting to visitors and staff. Working at The Arts Centre gives me motivation to do more. I have recently been able to secure an additional 2 day a week job at an independent cafe in Shepherds Bush. I wouldn’t have been able to get this new job without the support and belief from the Arts Centre. 

Working at The Arts Centre has given me the confidence to be myself and the experience that I needed to get my new job.

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