Climate Emergency

Consultation on draft Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

On 18 June 2019 Hounslow Council declared a climate emergency and made the commitment to work with others locally to reduce carbon emissions across the Borough as quickly as possible, as well as reducing the Council’s own carbon emissions to ‘net zero’ (where any remaining emissions are offset) by 2030. In July 2020 we published the Climate Emergency Action Plan which set out our plans to deliver these ambitious targets.

In line with the commitments set out in this action plan, the Council has prepared a draft Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).


What we are proposing

The draft SPD sets out guidance for developers who build new homes, offices and other buildings in the borough, on how to ensure that new and refurbished buildings have net-zero carbon emissions and are suitable for the way the climate is expected to change in the future.  It will support delivery of London Plan Policy S12 (Minimising greenhouse gas emissions) and Local Plan policy EQ1 (Energy and carbon reduction), playing a crucial role in shaping future development to help the borough and ensuring that local people can live, work and thrive in sustainable, healthy, and well-designed places.

The current draft of the SPD has been extensively updated following a consultation on the first draft, which took place in summer 2023.  Your responses to that consultation, and the changes made to the SPD as a result, are summarised in the accompanying consultation statement.

How will we use the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Supplementary Planning Document

The final version of this Supplementary Planning Document, once adopted, will be used in the assessment of planning applications for all new development in the borough.  As such, it will also help to inform the development and implementation of the programmes set out in the Corporate Plan (adopted July 2022), specifically areas such as Low Carbon Neighbourhoods, Liveable Places, the Asset Review and Localities Review.

It will also contribute to Hounslow’s regeneration work – you can read more in the Hounslow: Prosperity and Place document, which sets out the Council’s approach and framework for the regeneration and economic growth of the Borough, which was approved by Hounslow Cabinet on 11 January 2022.


Hounslow Council is launching a 2nd consultation on the draft SPD on Monday 1 July.  This provides an additional opportunity for borough residents, businesses and other stakeholders to comment on a version of the document that is as close as possible to the final Adoption Version.  The consultation will close on 31 July 2024.  Amendments made after this consultation period are expected to be minimal, focussing on the accuracy of the document and ensuring that the changes that were made to the document reflected the feedback that you gave us.

The consultation can be viewed online here (registration required). You can provide your comments by responding to the questionnaire on the consultation page. This is the Council’s preferred method for receiving representations. If you do not yet have an account, you will be asked to create one.  

Paper copies of the emerging SPD will also be available for inspection at Hounslow Council Libraries. Comments can be submitted in writing to the council’s Spatial Planning Team, by email or post.  Please submit your comments (quoting: ‘Consultation – Supplementary Planning Document for Climate Change’)

  • By email:
  • By post: Spatial Planning Team, Hounslow House, 7 Bath Road Hounslow, TW3 3EB.  

Please note that, following the consultation, your comments and your name or the organisation you represent will be published on our website. However, we will not publish personal information, such as telephone numbers or email addresses.

Should you need this information in an alternative format, or if you have any questions about the consultation process, please contact the Spatial Planning Team by email at or by telephone on 020 8583 3419.


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