The London Borough of Hounslow is committed to the delivery of its Net Zero Neighbourhoods programme.
In its Corporate Plan 2022-2026, the Council has set out a variety of bold pledges to ensure a cleaner, greener and healthier Hounslow:
- Reduction in carbon emissions by 50%
- Achieve 45% of the borough classified as Green Infrastructure
- Ensure all Council housing meets Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) Band B or is as energy efficient as possible
- Generate 25% of the energy the Council uses and increase the number of eco schools
- Decarbonise Council buildings
- Improve the borough’s air quality by providing safe walking and cycling routes and delivering clean air school zones
- Roll out more than 2,000 additional electrical vehicle charging point, including provision in residential areas.
The Future Neighbourhoods 2030 strategy focuses on working with residents in Cranford and Heston to devise a pilot engagement and implementation plan. The lessons learned will be applied and scaled to the wider rollout of the borough’s place-based Net Zero Neighbourhoods programme.