Hounslow’s Natural Summer

Why Hounslow supports a natural summer

By allowing grass and wildflowers to grow freely, we provide valuable habitats and food sources for various insects, birds, and other wildlife. It’s a small action that can have a significant impact on our local environment.

National initiatives like Plantlife’s No Mow May encourages households, organisations, and local authorities alike to refrain from mowing their lawns during the month of May and beyond.

Biodiversity Boost

When we put away the lawnmower, we allow mini wildlife sanctuaries to prosper in our parks and gardens. Wildflowers - such as daisies, clovers, and buttercups - flourish during periods of longer grass and attract essential pollinators like bees and butterflies (as well as other insects).

These insects play a vital role in pollinating plants, and contribute to the overall health of our ecosystem.

Feltham Arena with a river flowing through

Picture above showing Feltham Arena with a river flowing through

Supporting wildlife to thrive

You will notice designated wildflower patches and areas known as ‘bug hotels’ across the borough this summer. These have been created to further encourage greater biodiversity, which simply means that action is taken to promote a greater selection and variation of species and habitats in our ecosystem.

A wildflower patch creates a whole host of environmental benefits:

  • providing beauty and colour
  • locks carbon away below the ground and reduces greenhouse gases giving animals and insects food throughout the year
  • protect against flooding
  • help fight disease as modern wildflowers contribute to modern medicine

While bug hotels are not only eye-catching but can:

  • attract pollinators and insects which can then control pests
  • provide sheltered habitats and sanctuary for wildlife
  • protection for minibeasts who are laying eggs

These hotels are made from locally sourced materials such as wood and pine cones, and stem from 90% recycled material (except the frame). All structures are created by Lampton Services Greenspace.

Image shows a little bug home set up in the wild

Protecting beneficial creatures

A natural summer of longer grass also helps our environment by protecting beneficial insects who live within grass patches. Ladybirds and Beetles are just a few examples of insects that help control pests by feeding on harmful garden invaders (such as caterpillars).

By providing a safe space for these helpful creatures, you reduce the need for chemical pesticides in your garden.

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