Coronavirus advice

Hounslow Council is working closely with our NHS partners and Public Health England to control the spread of coronavirus. Plans are in place to help manage any potential impact on services.

The Government has announced that the UK has moved into the "delay" phase and has changed advice for the public.

Stay at home - if you have either:

  • A high temperature – you feel hot to touch on your chest or back
  • A new, continuous cough – this means you've started coughing repeatedly.

If you have the symptoms of coronavirus, you must stay at home for 14 days starting from the day you have become ill.

If you live with others and you or one of them have symptoms of coronavirus, then all household members must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days, irrespective if they have the symptoms. The 14-day period starts from the day when the first person in the house becomes ill. 

More on self-isolation and household-isolation.

Update on Council services

To help slow the spread of the coronavirus, measures are being introduced by Hounslow Counci to temporary close certain buildings at close of business on Friday 20 March.

Find out what buildings are closing, the key services available to you and contacting the council

Schools update 

In line with new government advice all schools will now be closed to most children, from the end of the school day on Friday (20 March) until further notice.

The expectation is that schools will remain open for the children of key workers, or those with an education, health and care plan, and vulnerable children.  

The Council has been in touch with headteachers to ascertain how this will work from next week. It is a complex situation and schools will try to update parents as soon as possible once plans are in place. We have offered support to schools as best we can to help them to deal with the challenges they face in trying to manage the Government’s requirements.

Exams: The Government has confirmed that school exams including GCSEs and A Levels will not take place in May and June. However, the Government will ensure pupils due to sit exams this summer will get the qualifications they need. A detailed set of measures is being worked on with the sector and Ofqual to ensure that no child is unfairly penalised.

Guidance on social distancing and vulnerable people

The guidance is for everyone and advises on the social distancing measures we should all be taking to reduce our social interaction between people in order to reduce the transmission of coronavirus. People over 70 years of age, pregnant women, and those with underlying conditions need to pay attention to these new measures.

Use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service if:

  • You feel you cannot cope with your symptoms at home
  • Your condition gets worse
  • Your symptoms do not get better after 7 days

Only call 111 if you cannot get help online.

Please do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital.

You do not need to contact 111 to tell them you're staying at home. 

Testing for coronavirus is not needed if you're staying at home. Read the online advice about staying at home.

To help keep yourself and others free from infection:

  • Washing your hands for atleast 20 seconds, which turns out to be the exact time that it takes to sing Happy Birthday twice, is one of the easiest ways to protect yourself and others from illnesses such as food poisoning and flu. See video below. 
  • Do wash your hands frequently with soap and water, or use a hand sanitiser if you’re out and about, particularly after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose, eating or handling food, and when arriving at work or getting home. Remember – catch it, bin it, kill it.
  • Catch your coughs and sneezes in a tissue, or use your arm if needed, throw the tissue away, then wash your hands. 

If you think you or someone you know may have coronavirus, visit NHS111 online.

More information about the virus and its symptoms is available at NHS online.

The latest information on the coronavirus in general is available on the Government’s website.

Guidance for employers and businesses

The Chancellor has announced a set of financial measures to support the business. We have been working hard to get the necessary clarity from Government on how its various packages should be administered, so we can ensure the funding support reaches our businesses as quickly as possible once we can access it. 

As soon as this information is available, we will provide updates on our webpage.

To find out what employers and businesses can do to advise their staff about the coronavirus is available on the Government website- COVID-19: guidance for employers and businesses

A quick and easy way to receive updates is through our e-newsletter, sign up to Business and and Work topic -  Invest in Hounslow and receive the most up to date information


NHS video guidance

The NHS has produced a short video demonstrating how to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds

NHS | Coronavirus stay at home advice 


Page last updated: Friday 20 March 2020


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