Community Infrastructure Levy

Community Infrastructure Levy - examination

Draft charging schedule - examination in public (March 2014)

Hounslow council submitted its draft charging schedule for examination on 28 November 2014.

Robert Mellor BSc DipTRP DipDesBEnv DMS MRICS MRTPI, was appointed as the independent inspector for the examination, which took place jointly with the Hounslow Local Plan.

The examination hearings took place on 18 March (session 13) and 19 March (session 14) 2015.

The council's CIL charging schedule was agreed by full council on 14 July 2015.

This followed receipt of the examiner's report

Background Paper A - LB of Hounslow CIL examiner's final report

A full set of documents relating to the exam can be retrieved from the CIL examination library found here:

Submitted examination documents

The following documents were submitted to the Secretary of State:

Examination hearings

The CIL examination took place over two hearings as part of the Local Plan examination

CIL examination agendas and participants tables:

Written statements

From these hearings came the action points detailed below:

Hounslow CIL preparation timetable - dates



Preliminary draft charging schedule consultation

March - April 2014

Draft charging schedule consultation

Sept - Oct 2014

Submission of charging schedule for examination

Nov 2014

Charging schedule examination

March 2015

Adoption of CIL

July 2015


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