Design and conservation

Listed building advice

Do you need Listed Building Consent?

Conservation officers can give their professional opinion as to whether works proposed to a listed building can be carried out without the need for listed building consent. This will take the form of an email in response to requests sent to:

You can also apply for a Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Works to a listed building at the Planning Portal:

For further detailed advice on a scheme of works you can apply for:

Listed Building Consent advice

Who can get advice

The listed building advice service is for householders, developers and other planning professionals.

How to request advice

To request advice about a listed building, please complete the attached form and email it across to:

After we receive your completed form requesting advice we will contact you with a proposed fee for the advice. Fees will be based on an estimation of officer time needed to provide the advice and are as follows:

Advice fees

Written email advice and/or site visit by Principal / Senior Conservation Officer: £121.14 per hour.

The above fees relate specifically to the assessment of physical works to listed buildings, and will be chargeable alongside fees required for general planning advice, including duty planner or pre-application advice.  

Any listed building advice given by Conservation Officers, either orally or in writing, in the course of their duties, is offered in good faith and is based on the information/evidence provided. Advice offered without the benefit of a site visit or without the involvement of other statutory consultees, such as, where relevant, Historic England in relation to statutorily listed buildings Any advice given in relation to listed buildings are the personal professional opinion of that officer and are not a formal decision of, nor are they binding, on the local planning authority. The local planning authority will only be bound where a formal application is submitted and a formal decision is issued in writing.

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