Other planning fees and charges 2024 2025

Service Provided

Charge 2024-25 (£)


Solicitors/Customer Inquiries - Per 30 minutes – or part thereof


Trees and Hedges

Complaints - Arboriculturist fee


Tree Preservation Orders - An additional charge will be required for the associated plan


Plans (where permitted by Copyright Order 1989). A4


High Hedges - Initial Payment


Design Review Panel

Design Review Panel – Standard Review


Design Review Panel – Large Scale Review


Design Review Panel – Chair’s Review


Design Review Panel – Chair’s Fee (Per Day/ Half Day)

720.00/ 360.00

Design Review Panel – Panellist’s Fee (Per Day/ Half Day)

480.00/ 240.00

Planning Application Advice

Weekly list of Planning Applications or Planning Decisions

Available free online.

Returned / Invalid Application Charge


Planning Decision Notices/Enforcement notices/Appeal Decisions/Committee Reports/Delegated Reports & Legal Agreements

Charge is for 10 pages & under – an additional £2.00 will be charged for each further 10 pages or part thereof per page if request made for paper copies

Available Free online

Paper copies - 34.63 + fee for additional pages

Planning Performance Agreements

Bespoke Fees Apply

Pre-Application Advice - Development proposals at a concept stage


Pre - application Advice Category 1: Major Residential. 10 or more homes (no commercial element).

£5637.44 for 10 new homes. An additional £63.34 for each additional home

Pre - application Advice Category 2: Buildings other than dwellings over 1,000sqm of gross floor space (no residential element).

£5637.44 for 1000 sqm of floorspace. An additional £0.59 for each additional sqm

Pre-application Advice Category 3:


A mixture of Major Residential (Category 1) and Buildings other than dwellings (Category 2 or 5)




A mixture of Buildings other than dwellings over 1000sqm (Category 2) and residential (Category 1 or 4)


The total fee will be calculated from the relevant fee for each category proposed (Including category 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6)

Category 1-3 Single follow up meeting (one only) 75% of original fee - provided the advice/ meeting request is received within 6 months of the date of the Council’s written response (or if no response has been given by agreement, then 6 months from the date of the initial pre-application meeting)

75% of original fee

Pre-application Advice, Category 4: Minor Residential. 1 or more homes, up to 9 homes.

£927.90 for a new home. £257.40 for each additional home (Up to 9 homes)

Pre-application Advice, Category 5: Buildings other than dwellings with gross floorspace up to 999 sqm 

£927.90 for 0/ 1 sqm  of floorspace. £2.45 for each additional sqm  (Up to 999 sqm)

Pre-application Advice, Category 6: Mixture of Minor Residential and Buildings other than dwellings up to 999 sqm 

£927.90 for a new home. £257.40 for each additional home (Up to 9 homes) and £927.90 for 0/ 1 sqm of floorspace. £2.45 for each additional sqm  (Up to 999 sqm)

Pre-application Advice, Category 7: Conversion of one house to flats


Pre-application Advice, Advice, Category 8: Conversion of one house to a HMO


Pre-application Advice, Category 9, Standalone advert hoardings over 5m2 and telecommunications masts


Pre-application Advice, Category 10a: Householder developments, including extensions, outbuildings, walls - written response only, no meeting


Pre-application Advice, Category 10b: Householder developments, including extensions, outbuildings, walls – written response and meeting


Pre-application Advice Category 10c: householder development including extensions, outbuildings, walls - with site visit


Pre - application Advice. Category 10d: Householder extension to listed building


Pre - application Advice. Category 11a: Listed Building - Minor Works (Minor, unobtrusive alterations to a Listed Building)


Pre-application Advice, Category 11b: Listed Buildings - Major Works (Major, substantive alterations to a Listed Building)


Category 4-11 Single follow up meeting (one only)

75% of original fee

Additional Meetings – Officer Time: Assistant Director - Per hour


Additional Meetings – Officer Time: Head of Service - Per hour


Additional Meetings – Officer Time: Manager/Section Head - Per hour


Additional Meetings – Officer Time: Principal/Senior - Per hour


Additional Meetings – Officer Time: Planning Officer and CIL Officer - Per hour


Additional Meetings – Officer Time: Administrative Officer - Per hour


Cost of expert consultant advice, such as viability assessments, assessments of energy statements

Hourly rate of Consultant

S106 Agreements

Discharge of a S106 obligation


General s106 agreements: Negotiating and preparing simple agreements (categories 4-11)


General s106 agreements: Negotiating and preparing more complex agreements (category 3)


General s106 agreements: Negotiating and preparing complex agreements (category 2 )


General s106 agreements: Negotiating and preparing very large and abnormally complex agreements (category 1)


General s106 agreements: Monitoring s106 agreements other than Travel Plan and Construction Management Plan

713.55 Per Clause

General s106 agreements: Re-negotiating s106 agreements

As per original fee requirement

General s106 agreements: Affordable Housing Deferred contribution S106 clause.


S106: Solicitors/Customer requests for detailed information or reports - Per 60 minutes – or part thereof


Planning Policy Advice

Local Plan (Adopted 15th September 2015): Part 1 Policies


Local Plan (Adopted 15th September 2015): Part 2 Site Allocations and Appendix


Local Plan (LP) (Adopted 15th September 2015): Set of 2


Local Plan (LP) (Adopted 15th September 2015): Maps (Policies) - (East or West)


Local Plan (LP) (Adopted 15th September 2015): Maps (Policies) - (East and West) - Set of 2


Local Plan (LP) (Adopted 15th September 2015): Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) - CIL and Planning Obligations (Adopted December 2015)


Local Plan (LP): Authority Monitoring Reports


Planning Briefs: Adopted

11.82 (per report)


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