Cycleway 9: Watermans Park to Alexandra Road: Morrisons Supermarket

Cycleway 9: your questions answered

Cycleway 9 (C9) is a network of cycleways, that is designed to make cycling and walking easier and safer for residents and commuters in West London. Transport for London (TfL) are leading on this scheme and background to how it was consulted on and developed can be reviewed in detail on their TfL website.

In December 2020, as an emergency response to the pandemic, the C9 team introduced changes along Chiswick High Road on a trial basis (the temporary Cycleway 9). These changes included a fully protected cycle lane, implemented using traffic wands, to enable more cycling and help avoid a car-based recovery.

Following collection of traffic data and listening to local feedback, a series of improvements are now being introduced along the temporary Cycleway 9 route on Chiswick High Road. These changes have been made under an Experimental Traffic Order which Hounslow Council's Cabinet agreed to in July 2021. Construction of these changes started in November 2021 and were finished in Summer 2022.

We have now completed sections 3b and 3c from Chiswick High road to Watermans Park, and are starting construction on section 3d from Watermans Park to Alexandra Road. More information can be found on the previous pages.


Why are we doing the works?

What changes are being made along the route of section 3d, from Watermans Park to Alexandra Road?

Who is carrying out the work and how will it be delivered?

Minimising disruption to local businesses

Keeping the Community Updated

When will the project be complete?

What is being done to ensure that the cycleway meets with the accessibility needs of all pedestrians, as well as cycleway and road users?

What is Hounslow doing to promote safe cycling?

Have previous consultations been held on Cycleway 9?

How will businesses be impacted?

How can I get in touch?


  1. 1. Why are we doing the works?

Cycleway 9 is a valuable addition to our travel network which will play a vital role in ensuring people travelling in Hounslow can reach their destination in a sustainable and safe way. It is part of our commitment to creating a safe, high-quality cycle network across Hounslow, connecting people with key destinations, residential areas, and inner London.

In partnership with Transport for London, we are continuing construction of the new C9 cycleway in your area to bring safer cycling to even more people in Hounslow, and create healthier, greener spaces for our community.


Other benefits include:

  • Prioritising our Future

Ensuring the presence of safe and attractive cycle lanes will be key in achieving the London Mayor’s transport target of 80% of journeys to be made by sustainable modes of transport by 2041. Additionally, it will help the UK work towards its goal of being Net Zero by 2030. Reduced car dependency is a further benefit and helps Hounslow work towards the target of reducing car travel by 27% as part of its sustainability targets. Furthermore, TFL has a target of ensuring 40% of Londoners live within 400 meters of the Cycleway network by 2023. Cycleway 9 will help many Hounslow residents achieve this target.

The Chiswick automatic air quality monitoring station is showing lower air pollution levels since the introduction of Cycleway 9 and the expansion of the Ultra-Low emission Zone in 2021. We want to continue reducing emissions and create a borough that improves the health and well-being of our residents, with less polluted air and better opportunities to travel using sustainable modes of transport.

  • Putting our Health First

Not only does Cycleway 9 help improve the future health of our community, it also helps to improve the current health of our community. It allows residents to build physical activity into their daily travel routines which is the easiest way for most Londoners to stay healthy. It can play a key role in solving London’s inactivity and childhood obesity crises and reducing health inequalities.

  • Creating safer spaces for cycling

Cycleways have a positive impact on the environment, as well and both cyclist and pedestrian safety. Evidence from leading cycling cities supports cycle and motor vehicle segregation to address cyclist safety e.g. Copenhagen has introduced mostly segregated cycle tracks over the last 25 years and over the same period the risk of serious collision has reduced by 72% per cycled kilometre. Read TfL’s Segregated Cycling Infrastructure Evidence Pack for more details on safety benefits.

  • Supporting local businesses

Cycleways are also beneficial for local businesses, as the introduction of cycleways in London have been shown to carry up to 5% more people at the busiest times and increase retail spending by up to 30%. More economic benefits of cycling and cycleways can be found in TfL’s Walking and cycling: The economic benefits.

  • Improving access to local services and supporting wellbeing
  • ycling is an affordable way to travel in a short amount of time, providing more access to employment, services, education and social opportunities – all of which are important to maintaining good physical and mental health and wellbeing.


2. What changes are being made along the route of section 3d, from Watermans Park to Alexandra Road?

The works between Watermans Park and Alexandra Road (Morrisons Supermarket) include:

  • One-way, protected cycle lanes on both sides of the High Street
  • Two new pedestrian crossings at Alexandra Road and Pottery Road
  • Higher quality pavement surfaces for pedestrians
  • Upgrades to four existing pedestrian crossings at Ferry Lane, Ealing Road, North Road and Holland Gardens
  • Redesign of side roads and junctions to make them safer for people walking.


3. Who is carrying out the work and how will it be delivered?

Our contractors Hounslow Highways are managing the construction of improvement works between Goldhawk Road and Chiswick Lane, on behalf of TfL.

During construction there will be some significant disturbance including bus and traffic delays due to lane reductions, and some pavement closures and diversions. If possible, you should:

  • Walk, cycle or travel by Tube, Overground, or National Rail services
  • Allow more time to complete your journey if driving
  • Travel outside the morning and evening peak times

We will work with TfL to do everything we can to minimise these impacts, and to manage the flow of traffic through Chiswick High Road during construction.

Construction will take place between 7.30am to 4pm Monday to Saturday. Sufficient notice will be given to local residents and businesses ahead of any night time or Sunday construction works.

For any enquiries regarding construction, please contact the Traffic & Transport Service via email at or by phone at 020 8583 3322.


4. Minimising disruption to local businesses

Access to local businesses will be maintained throughout the works, and we will be engaging with businesses throughout construction to ensure any potential issues are identified early so disruption can be minimised.

For businesses whose customer travel may also be affected, we will be providing messaging to share with any customers needing access throughout the duration of the works.

We may need to close some loading bays during the works. We will be contacting businesses directly where this may affect them and their deliveries.

Our team will be visiting businesses at key times throughout the works to check in and see where we can provide support.

Our contractors, Hounslow Highways, will be managing the delivery of these works and will share advance information about construction impacts, including any temporary road or bus stop closures, electricity or water outages, or work happening during unsociable hours.


5. Keeping the Community Updated

Local residents have been made aware of Cycleway 9 through a leaflet sent to them prior to construction. Further communications will be sent at every key phase of the works, and we will keep them informed of any changes to the construction dates and what they can expect from the project.

To help notify people travelling through the area, early warning signs were displayed on-street prior to construction starting. We will also share updates with commuters via our twitter page at @LBofHounslow. Additional information will be shared via TfL using their mailing list. You can sign up to TfL’s mailing list by visiting their website

Businesses which may be most impacted have been identified and will be contacted independently to discuss the project and any difficulties they foresee with Cycleway 9 or its implementation. This stage of engagement will focus on businesses which require vehicular access along the stretch that Cycleway 9 will be constructed in its current phase. However, all businesses in the area will be informed and kept up-to date.

Additionally, information about Cycleway 9 and the works due to start soon will be shared on popular noticeboards in the local community. These will provide valuable information about the project such as the construction timeline, the benefits of the project and its implementation, allowing residents to be well-informed.  


6. When will the project be complete?

The next phase of construction will begin in October 2023 and residents will be made aware of any updates. Work is expected to continue until summer 2024.


7. What is being done to ensure that the cycleway meets with the accessibility needs of all pedestrians, as well as cycleway and road users?

The designs for the temporary scheme implemented in December 2020 were adopted following extensive studies and trials, such as the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) trials between 2015 and 2018. The trials involved in-depth on street monitoring (including video surveys) as well as interviews with people with mobility and visual impairments.

Following feedback from the local community and advice from local sight accessibility organisations in relation to the temporary scheme, the C9 team have reviewed the proposals and looked at ways to further improve accessibility for all users.

Some of the accessibility organisation engaged with include:

  • Age UK Hounslow
  • Association for the Blind (Middlesex)
  • Autism Hounslow 6 of 12
  • Disability Network Hounslow
  • Hounslow Parents and Carers Forum
  • Hounslow Pensioners’ Forum
  • Hounslow Respiratory Support Group


8. What is Hounslow doing to promote safe cycling?

We have a range of cycling initiatives on our website.

We promote safe cycling through initiatives including adult cycle training, as well as promoting the free online cycle skills course run by TfL. We also have a programme of road safety education in all schools in the borough and provide specialist advice by appointment, to older people’s groups.

We will be distributing a leaflet closer to the end of the construction phase to let people know what cycling initiatives will be taking place and the next steps for the project.


9. Have previous consultations been held on Cycleway 9?

TfL consulted on plans for the full C9 route between Kensington Olympia and Brentford in 2017. Additional consultation was undertaken in 2019, for the two separate parts of the route:

  • Kew Bridge and Kew Bridge Road to Wellesley Road
  • Duke Road and Duke's Avenue's junction with Chiswick High Road

To learn more about the engagement activities, please visit the TfL website.


10. How will businesses be impacted?

Businesses which require vehicular access along the stretch which the current phase of construction covers will be contacted to ensure they face no negative disruption during the implementation process or once the works are complete.

As for commercial activity, cycleways are beneficial for local businesses, and the introduction of cycleways in London have been shown to carry up to 5% more people at the busiest times and increase retail spending by up to 30%. More information can be found about this at


11. How can I get in touch?

Our contractors, Hounslow Highways, will be managing the delivery of these works and will share advance information about construction impacts, including any temporary road or bus stop closures, electricity or water outages, or work happening during unsociable hours.

Enquiries about construction works can be sent to: Alternatively, you can call 0208 583 3322, or send correspondence via post to:

FAO Traffic Team
London Borough of Hounslow
7 Bath Rd



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