Council Tax arrears

Check your balance

Your bill will show how much you need to pay, specify the amount of each instalment and the dates on which they must be paid. 

If you do not keep up with your payments,we will issue a notice and recovery action will start.

If you do not pay after seven days, we will 

1/ Issue you a reminder

The council will only issue a reminder if an instalment has been missed on two separate occasions. If an instalment is missed on a third occasion within the financial year, a final notice will automatically be issued. On each occasion, if you fail to pay after 28 days, we will then 

2/ Issue a final notice

which will ask for the total council tax amount to be paid minus any payments already made.

3/ If payment is still not made, the council will

Issue a summons, which gives the council the power to ask for a liability order for the sale of goods to the value of the outstanding amount. This will significantly increase your costs as additional charges are added for seeking a summons and liability order.

4/ If the sale of goods does not cover the outstanding amount

The council can also apply for an attachment of earnings, where deductions are made by your employer and sent to the council. If you are on benefits, this may mean a reduction in housing benefit or council tax support.

If other methods of trying to recover the money you owe have been unsuccessful and as a last resort, the Council can apply to the Magistrates' Court for you to be committed to prison.

If you're committed to prison you will still owe the Council Tax plus additional costs. If you have received a summons for a committal application you are strongly advised to seek legal advice.

We strongly urge you to get in contact should you fall into arrears or financial difficulties. We want to help, but are unable to if you do not make contact.

For a more detailed view of your account, access your online account using your Council Tax reference number found on your last council tax bill.


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