Struggling to pay your Council Tax?

Help paying Council Tax

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We know that the coronavirus pandemic has affected the finances of many residents, and some have been struggling to pay their Council Tax. If you have found yourself facing financial difficulty please contact us on 0208 583 4242 and we will do our best to help you.

If you are struggling financially, it is important that you make us aware of your situation so formal recovery action can be avoided, if possible.

If you have had a reduction to your income and have been unable to make payments you may be entitled to Council Tax Support. Please visit to make an application or call 0208 583 4242 for further advice.

You can set an arrangement to pay the outstanding balance plus summons costs by either returning the self-arrangement form enclosed with the summons to us, or by calling 0208 583 4242. If you wish to pay in full, payment can be made online at , via the payment line 0845 3010210, or at any PayPoint in a local shop.

If you have a liability dispute and/or believe you are not liable please contact us immediately via our contact us form detailing the reasons for your dispute and we will respond to you within 10 working days.

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