Educational psychology service

Projects and bespoke psychological work

As Educational Psychologists in Hounslow, in addition to consultation, we carry out the following:

  • parent workshops delivered in pre-school and school communities
  • in school training and training to other professional teams
  • action based research
  • employing cognitive behavioural approaches, solution focused and mindfulness-based approaches with children and young people
  • organising and facilitating the implementation of Early Bird and Early Bird Plus, alongside health professionals, for parents/carers of children with Autism.  Visit the website.
  • organising and facilitating the Cygnet programme for parents/carers of children and young people aged 7 to 18 with Autism.  Visit the Barnardos website
  • organising and facilitating the Secret Agency Society (SAS) social skills programme for 8 to 12 year olds with high functioning Autism. Visit the SST institute website
  • Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) programme with primary schools.  Visit the ELSA network website.
  • organising and facilitating the Triple P Parenting programme, alongside professionals from health
  • support for school staff on critical incidents
  • delivering and facilitating  Suicide Awareness and Prevention training for school staff and professionals and also training on dealing with Self Harm in young people

Early Bird and Early Bird Plus

The Early Bird and Early Bird Plus programmes are facilitated yearly with EPs, alongside professionals from health. In 2016, the Early Bird Plus programme (a course for parents/carers of and professionals working with children with a diagnosis of Autism) was delivered by an EP and a speech and language therapist.  Parents who took part in the programme gave the following feedback:

“You must attend this course, there is only so much you can read about Autism in books and on the internet. This course helps you find coping mechanisms to help you and your child to live with Autism. You can learn valuable tips from the book, videos, professionals and other parents on the course. I feel stronger and confident that I can give my son the support he needs.”

“All parents who want to learn about the condition even if their child is not autistic, should be able to do the course, it’s very good.”

A teacher who attended the programme also commented:

“I thought the programme was excellent – very thorough…..I wish more teachers had the opportunity to attend and I wish more courses that I attend were as relevant and thought provoking as this one.”

Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs)

We are currently developing the scope of traded services we offer our schools in Hounslow, for example, the Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA) programme for all mainstream primary schools.

This programme trains school staff to manage and support their most vulnerable children in the areas of emotional literacy and wellbeing.  The project was successfully piloted in early 2016 and has continued to run yearly since then.

View the ELSA Evaluation Report May 2016  for information on the success of the project.

Contact us

Educational Psychology Service
Telephone: 020 8583 4188

Our Principal Educational Psychologist is Helen Booth and our Deputy Principal Educational Psychologist is Dawn Collard.


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