YSEG Careers Cluster

For employers

Volunteers from large and small local employers are vital to the success of the YSEG Careers Cluster.

Get involved

There are many ways the employers and employees can contribute, such as:

  • Delivering a workshop to develop employability skills, CV writing, or completing an application form
  • Participating in mock interview sessions
  • Answering questions/talking to young people about your job and career journey
  • Setting challenges for students based on real world scenarios
  • Working with teachers to co-design and deliver activities in school
  • Hosting work placements (there are various models on offer alongside traditional face-to-face provision in the office)
  • Hosting insight visits at your workplace for groups of students and teachers

Benefits for you and your staff

  • Staff development opportunities
  • Community engagement and the opportunity to meet social value commitments
  • Supporting and developing local talent
  • An opportunity for your business to learn from Hounslow’s young people

How we can support you

The YSEG Careers Cluster can act aa a central broker, reducing the need for multiple contacts and engagements with different schools by:

  • Connecting you to school projects that align with your values and employment sector needs
  • Offering training and support to help your employees develop high quality and impactful engagement with young people


The Employer Standards from the Careers Enterprise Company can also help by offering a tool and framework to help you further improve the quality and impact of your careers education engagement with schools.  

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