YSEG Careers Cluster

For schools

By drawing on the experience and expertise of local businesses the YSEG Careers Cluster can help your students to learn about the world of work through direct engagement of local businesses whilst introduce them to new skills, opportunities, and ways of thinking.


  • Develop an exciting and relevant careers education programme,
  • Support young people to understand and develop skills needed now and in the future
  • Improve understanding of the labour market amongst young people, parents/carers and teachers to support better careers decision making
  • Increase knowledge of and participation in apprenticeships
  • Develop long term relationships with local employers


“I cannot say enough how important this programme has been to our school and the value of the brokerage between us and employers. Having access to employers through this has opened the eyes of our students and made them think about their future options at an earlier stage.”

- Anne-Marie Laing,  Careers Lead at Heston Community School


“I enjoyed the workshops where the 5 employers came to your school and taught us about their jobs and gave us an idea how to start our world after school.”

- Year 10 student, Kingsley Academy


“This was an interesting yet enjoyable experience which allowed me to understand what going to uni is like.”

- Year 8 student, Springwest Academy


“After being with Accenture I feel like I have been inspired to try out new options and explore rather than stick to one.”

- Year 9 student, St Mark's School


Educational professionals including those in Special Schools and Woodbridge Park Education Service are welcome to find out more by contacting us or the careers leader of their school.

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