Education and training after 16

Up until the age of 18 years, all young people must be in some form of education or training. 

After 16, the options are:

  • full-time education, such as school or further education college
  • an apprenticeship (work-based learning)
  • part-time education or training if you are employed, self-employed or volunteering full-time (which is defined as 20 hours or more a week).

Education options after 16

There are 15 secondary schools in Hounslow. You can find information about the schools and how to apply by visiting our secondary schools page  page.

Studio schools

Studio schools are designed to give students practical skills in workplace environments as well as a traditional academic and vocational courses of study. They offer specialist vocational courses from years 10 to 13. 

There are two studio schools in Hounslow: 

Further education colleges

West Thames College is based in Hounslow and provides education for students aged 14-16 years, 16-18 years and adults aged 19+.

Find out about courses on the West Thames College website.

Local colleges based around Hounslow:


Apprenticeships are an excellent way of gaining qualification and workplace experience for a specific type of career.  As an employee, you can earn as you learn and gain practical skills that will help you to progress into full employment or further study.

As an apprentice, part of your time will be spent working towards nationally recognised vocational qualifications, including basic skills in everyday English and maths that all employers value, while gaining technical certificates. 

Depending on where you have reached at the end of Year 11, you can start an apprenticeship at one of two levels:

Intermediate level apprenticeships

Intermediate apprentices gain work-based learning qualifications such as an NVQ level 2, key skills and, in some cases a relevant knowledge-based qualification such as a BTEC.

Advanced level apprenticeships    

Advanced level apprentices gain work-based learning qualifications such as NVQ level 3, key skills and, in most cases, a relevant knowledge-based certificate such as a BTEC.

For more information: 

Visit the apprenticeships guide page    
Visit the careers helpline for teenagers page   


Traineeships are a great way to improve your understanding of the skills, qualities and requirements for starting employment or training (apprenticeships).  You have the opportunity to gain functional skills to prepare you for your next steps, especially if you are not quite ready to go straight into work.  

You can see further details about traineeships on the GOV website

Training providers

For more information about West Thames College apprenticeships

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