Skills escalator service from Work Hounslow
If you're in a low paid work or you're self-employed or you have been made unemployed due to the Coronavirus and want to improve your skills, we can support you. We could also pay for your training too.
To be eligible you need to be:
- a Hounslow resident
- in low paid work OR self-employed OR recently made unemployed due to the Coronavirus
- live in privately rented home or temporary accommodation
- receive a means tested benefit e.g. Housing benefit, universal credit, working tax credits
If you qualify and want professional guidance that can help your career, contact us today by email, telephone 07790 359 392.
We run Skills Escalator Q&A live sessions. These sessions teach participants about the Skills Escalator project, how it can help you and gives participants the chance to ask questions.
Follow the Work Hounslow Eventbrite page to be notified on the next session. You must book a ticket to attend.