Local Elections 2018

Standing as a candidate at a local election

The majority of people become councillors as a result of joining a political party. However, some people stand for election as independent candidates (these are people who do not belong to any political party).

The next scheduled election is the London Borough of Hounslow Council election which will take place on Thursday 3 May 2018.

Standing as a member of a political party

If you are thinking of standing as a candidate for a particular political party, then you will need to be a member of that party's local organisation.  Contact the political party of your choice to find out more.

For more information on the registered political parties in the United Kingdom, visit the ElectoStanding as a candidate at a local electionral Commission's website.

Standing as an independent councillor

If you have questions about standing as an independent councillor the Local Government Association Independent Group may be able to assist you.

Nomination pack

Once you have decided to stand for election as a councillor, you will need to find two people, one to propose you (a nomination) and the other to second the nomination.  You will also need to find a further eight people to act as assentors to your nomination (ie they agree that you would be a suitable candidate and are prepared to sign a document to confirm this).

Detailed guidance on the nomination procedure is available in the Electoral Commission’s Guidance for Candidates and Agents.

Where do I find out more?

  • The Electoral Commission publishes guidance for candidates and agents on its website
  • If you still have questions after reading the Electoral Commission guidance, contact us
  • After nominations have closed all validly nominated candidates will be invited to a meeting where they will receive more specific details about the election, such as arrangements for postal vote opening, polling day and the count


If you have ever had concerns about the future of local services and felt that you could be a voice for your community in pursuing the public interest, then you should consider becoming a councillor. Those already working in local government find the role interesting and challenging and there is the opportunity to specialise in a particular topic or area of interest. However, do not expect to be able to change the world overnight.

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