Working as an electoral registration canvasser
Every year the council has a legal duty to undertake a canvass of households and produce a revised Register of Electors by 1 December which lists all the people registered to vote within the borough.
Two types of forms are sent out to all properties during the canvass and Electoral Services are looking for people to visit the households that haven't responded to these; and help them to complete the forms.
You will be allocated a specific area of the borough to work in and we currently have vacancies across the borough.
To be right for this role you will need to:
- be honest and trustworthy;
- have good communication skills, able to communicate with customers in a calm, polite, patient and tactful manner;
- be able to work in a politically neutral manner; and
- adhere to strict guidance regarding handling and storing of personal data and confidentiality.
If you have any queries please email the elections team