
Availability of allotment plots

The good news is that waiting lists for new applicants are open!

 If you have already filled in an application form, there is no need to contact us.

Following recent assessments Hounslow allotment waiting lists have reopened for some sites.  To ensure the number of people on the newly opened site waiting lists do not reach unsustainable levels, we will close them once they have reached a reasonable capacity.

We will keep reviewing the list of open sites below and update accordingly.

Residents are invited to express an interest for a plot at only one allotment site by completing our online form. You will not be informed where you are on the waiting list, but we will contact only when a plot becomes available.

Please do let us know if your contact details have changed or if you would like to be removed from the allotment waiting list

Allotment Prices as of April 2024 (subject to change on an annual basis)

Rents are calculated on an annual basis according to plot size.  (1 rod is 25sqm)

  • Resident standard rate (sites with water) -  £13.00 per rod
  • Resident standard rate (sites without water) - £10.00 per rod
  • Concession rate for residents (over 60s) - £8.35 per rod
  • Concession rate for residents in receipt of benefits – £5.00 per rod
  • Non resident rate (not eligible for any concessions) - £22.00 per rod

Apply now


Image of a Hounslow allotment

An allotment plot is a piece of land which can be rented for growing your own fruit, flowers and vegetables. 

Cultivating an allotment plot is not just a great recreational pursuit but an active, socially inclusive, environmentally sustainable lifestyle.

Allotments promote a variety of benefits including:

  • Enhancing peoples physical and mental well-being
  • Protecting and enhancing local biodiversity
  • Improving local neighbourhood and social cohesion
  • Providing opportunities for lifelong learning
  • Contributing to social and economic regeneration.

We currently have 29 active allotment sites managed by Lampton Services Greenspace. 


Composting is an inexpensive and environmentally friendly way of recycling your kitchen scraps and garden waste to provide you with a nutrient rich compost for your garden. 
Composting is good for you and good for the environment, what's not to like? Save money, save resources, improve your soil and reduce your impact on the environment.
For more information on what can and cannot be composted and how to get started visit Get Compost bins starting from £22.50.

Water Butts

Water is a vital ingredient for all plot-holders growing fruit, vegetables, herbs and flowers but it is a precious resource. 
Investing in water butts can help reduce the distance you need to walk between your source of water and your crops. By installing water butts on your plot you create a very convenient supply of water. Where possible every gardener should have water butts to harvest any rain that does fall. 
We have teamed up with Get to provide water butts. Visit the Get Composting website to get started.

Allotment policies and consultation report

Allotments legislation and policy

Consultation report 2020

Letter to allotment holders - February 2021

Allotment charges feedback - May 2021

Contact us

Email the Allotments team at or call 020 8583 6618.

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