Apply for a disabled parking bay

If you are a Blue Badge holder and regularly have difficulty parking close to your home you may be eligible for a disabled parking bay.

Who can apply

To apply for a disabled parking bay, you must:

  • be a resident of Hounslow borough
  • have a Blue Badge with at least 9 months remaining before its expiry date
  • live at the address where you are applying to put the bay
  • be unable to park within a reasonable distance of the property where the bay is being requested, and have no off-street parking available
  • have a permanent or substantial mobility impairment, which means being unable to walk or having considerable difficulty walking
  • have a vehicle registered to, and kept at the same address where you are applying to put the bay.

If you are the passenger of the vehicle, you must also:

  • require physical assistance and constant supervision from the driver when entering and leaving the vehicle
  • live at the same address as the driver.

A bay is unlikely to be granted where an able driver can temporarily stop a vehicle to allow a disabled passenger out, before driving to find a suitable parking space.

Is my road suitable?

Not all roads and streets are suitable for a disabled persons parking bay. Consideration is given to road safety, road width, parking levels and other traffic issues.

A bay will not be granted if:

  • there is evidence of off-street parking available
  • there are parking restrictions (such as double or single yellow lines) at the location of the proposed bay
  • you live on a private road. We can only add a disabled parking bay to a public road.

Requests for bays within Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs) are unlikely to be approved unless evidence of proven need is provided. Check our map to see if your road is in a CPZ.

How to apply

To apply, you will need to provide copies of:

  • the front and back of your Blue Badge
  • your entitlement to Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payment or Attendance Allowance
  • proof of vehicle registration at the address in the application, Vehicle Registration Document (V5C) or a Motability Operations Hire Agreement.

Apply online 

If you prefer, you can download and fill in a print application form.

Completed print application forms and supporting documents should be emailed to, or posted to:

London Borough of Hounslow
Traffic, Transport and Parking
Environment, Culture and Customer Services
3rd Floor, Hounslow House
7 Bath Road

What happens next?

When your application is received, we will contact you to discuss the best parking solution for your road. A Traffic Regulation Order will be advertised in the local press, published on this website and displayed adjacent to the location of the proposed bay.

If objections are received this may delay the process or require further investigation.

If your application is successful, the Notice of Making of the Traffic Regulation Order will be advertised in the local press and published on this website. Contractors will be instructed to implement markings and respective signs if required.

The new parking bay will:

  • be positioned as close to your property as possible
  • be enforceable, so your Blue Badge must be clearly displayed in the parked vehicle to avoid a Penalty Charge Notice
  • be available to any vehicle displaying a valid Blue Badge.

You must immediately notify us in writing if your circumstances have changed since making the application.

The process of providing a disabled bay usually takes 6 to 9 months on an unrestricted road, and 12 months in a CPZ.

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