Kerbside Strategy and Parking Strategy

How we developed the Parking and Kerbside Strategies 

To develop our Parking and Kerbside Strategies, we asked residents from all backgrounds and walks of life for their views.

We held over 20 engagement events and sent out more than 800 emails to community members, groups Mostand organisations and schools.

Here is a snapshot of what you told us:

  • Almost half of residents (49 per cent) said they were worried about the impact of poor air quality on their health, compared to 28 per cent who disagreed. 
  • Most people (80.2 per cent) think about safety when choosing how to travel. 
  • Our research showed that 69 per cent say their mode of travel allows them to incorporate some exercise into their day. 
  • A total of 58 per cent of residents said all cars, including electric vehicles, should pay to park.
  • Whilst 45 per cent of people said that people should pay for parking in line with how much pollution their vehicle generates.
  • Most of those who responded (72 per cent) said they believed the kerbside should be a space for everyone, not just motorists. 
  • Nearly half (42 per cent) said they wanted to see the ‘greening’ of the kerbside with more trees planted. 

We used your input and the responses from our consultation to shape our Parking and Kerbside Strategies. We have listened to your views and taken action. 

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