School Streets

How it works

We assess streets outside schools that have low to medium levels of traffic which can reasonably be closed to motor traffic during school opening and closing times. 

We look at factors such as public transport accessibility (PTAL), air quality hotspots, traffic displacement and any road safety concerns that have been raised. Schools are then prioritised according to an assessment of need, based partially on local feedback, and the feasibility of implementing a scheme which varies according to the local street environment.

In Hounslow, School Streets are primarily enforced by Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras and are identifiable by the 'Pedestrian and Cycle' zone signs in place. They work by temporarily restricting access to nearby roads for non-resident motor traffic during pick-up and drop-off times. Pedestrians, cyclists and resident vehicles are not restricted. Unauthorised vehicles that enter the road during operating times will be issued a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).

In addition to implementing School Streets, we work with schools to improve safety in surrounding roads through infrastructure measures as well as active travel and road safety initiatives. These measures are summarised in the table below.

Infrastructure measures

Educational measures

20mph limits

Helping schools to achieve TfL STARS accreditation.

Pedestrian crossings

School Travel Planning

Traffic calming (speed humps, raised tables, build outs)

Active travel initiatives: cycle and scooter training, Beat the Street competition, park & stride, walk to school week, bike week, anti-idle campaigns

School Keep Clear markings enforced by CCTV

Road safety initiatives: pedestrian training, junior roadwatch, Theatre in Education, perfect parking pledges


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