Won’t the proposals simply shift traffic from Hartington Road to Staveley Road, which is already busy?
As mentioned above, the predominant traffic movement on Hartington Road is northbound, with drivers using residential streets to drive between the A316 and A4, avoiding the Hogarth roundabout. The measures seek to keep this through traffic on main roads as opposed to residential streets. The Hartington Road northbound restriction removes this through traffic, which may seek an alternative route via Staveley Road. A School Street is proposed on the section of Staveley Road adjacent to Chiswick School, which will prevent all through traffic using this road at set times in the day. The times of this School Street are being discussed with the school, and will likely cover the morning peak and afternoon periods.
The proposed diagonal traffic filter on Staveley Road provides an additional traffic mitigation measure when the School Street is not in operation. Not only does it prevent vehicles using the full length of Staveley Road east/west, but it also removes the right turn into Park Road, and thus access to the A4. Traffic speed and volume on Staveley Road is expected to decrease, but this will be monitored as part of the trial.
Burlington Lane remains open to all traffic in both directions, in order to maintain access to residential properties at all times of day via the A316.