South Chiswick Liveable Neighbourhood - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Why are you closing Harvard Hill Northbound, won’t this make other local roads busier such as Fauconberg Road and Elmwood Road?
The access to the A4 at Harvard Hill is an existing cut through for traffic, which draws a higher volume of traffic to the local area. Traffic volumes on Fauconberg Road for example are just under 3,000 vehicles on the average weekday. Gordon Road and Harvard Hill have over 1,500 vehicles and are well beyond those of neighbouring streets. In peak time hours, 85% of traffic on Harvard Hill is exiting onto the A4. Of this traffic exiting Harvard Hill four in every five vehicles originate from outside the immediate residential area (bounded by the railway line and Sutton Court Road). This highlights the extent to which Harvard Hill’s access to the A4 increases traffic volumes on streets in the area local to Harvard Hill. By closing this access point, a large proportion of this traffic will need to find an alternative route.