South Chiswick Liveable Neighbourhood - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
When are School Streets closed to traffic, and how do I register my vehicle?
School Street road closures would typically operate for one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon on term time weekdays, to coincide with school drop off and collection times. This may be shortened or extended in duration due to the nature of the roads around the school and traffic movements locally. It is anticipated that there may be changes to the school day from September 2020, that may impact times at which children are dropped off and collected. The council has therefore begun to liaise with the schools around this issue, in order to fully understand any possible changes and agree the most effective hours of operation. Once this is agreed, it will be fully communicated to residents ahead of any trial commencing.
If you live on a School Streets road that requires you to register, you may easily do so via a short e-form on our council webpage that also contains detailed information about the School Streets process. You can access that webpage by clicking here.