Charlton House Albany House and Osier Court CPO

Demolition notice

Made under Section 138A and Schedule 5A of the Housing Act 1985 as amended by the Housing Act 2004 and the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008.

THE LONDON BOROUGH OF HOUNSLOW (the Council) hereby gives notice of its intention to demolish the building(s) listed in paragraph 1 below for the purposes set out in paragraph 3 below.

1. Building(s) affected by this notice:

All those properties listed in the Schedule
(the “relevant premises”)

2. Intention to demolish

It is the intention of the Council to demolish the relevant premises.

3. Purpose of demolition

The demolition of the relevant premises is required to secure the comprehensive redevelopment of the Albany House and Charlton House Estate. The regeneration of the Albany House and Charlton House Estate is a key priority for the Council and will improve the quality of the housing stock in the Council’s area.

4. Proposed demolition period

The Council intends to demolish the relevant premises before the end of 30 June 2025.

5. Date of expiry of the Initial Demolition Notice

This Notice will remain in force up to and including 30 June 2027 revoked or otherwise terminated under or by virtue of paragraph 3 of Schedule 5A of the Housing Act 1985.
Whilst this Notice is in force the Council will not be under an obligation to sell the freehold of any house or grant a lease as mentioned in section 138(1) of the Housing Act 1985 ("Right to Buy") in respect of any claim by a tenant to exercise the Right to Buy.
However, Right to Buy claims submitted to the Council for any of the relevant premises whilst this Notice is still in force will be processed by the Council as normal, so that if the demolition plans are not implemented the application can be completed.

6. Right to compensation

There may be a right to compensation under section 138C of the Housing Act 1985 in respect of certain expenditure incurred in relation to any existing Right to Buy claim that has been established prior to the date of the service of this Notice.
Any claim for compensation under paragraph 6 of this Notice should be served upon the Council within the period of three months beginning from the date of this notice being served. A compensation claim can be made for any reasonable expenditure incurred by the tenant to date in respect of legal and other fees, and other professional costs and expenses, payable in connection with the exercise of that Right to Buy claim.
If the Council serves a Final Demolition Notice and a Right to Buy application is suspended due to the service of this Notice, that Right to Buy application will lapse and no further application can then be made whilst the Final Demolition Notice is in effect.

7. Further information

Should you require any further information about this Notice please contact:

Quinn Greer
Development Manager, Estate Regeneration

Dated: 19 July 2024
All at Osier Court: 1 - 15 Osier Court

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