Street trading

Temporary street trading

Pavement licences

The Business and Planning Act introduced Pavement Licences, however through Section 229 and Schedule 22 of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 that the Business and Planning Act 2020 has been amended. The set fee of £100 for both new and renewal of pavement licences has now changed to £350 for a renewal and £500 for a new licence under the Business and Planning Act 2020. Licences will now be valid for a period of 12 months from the date of issue.

The Pavement licence application can be used to put removable furniture on the highway adjacent to the premises. Premises for which an application can be made include pubs, cafes, bars, restaurants or other drinking establishment, and premises for the sale of food for consumption on or off the premises.  

Find out more about our fast track pavement licence

If you are applying for a shop front display, Stall or A board please complete the application form on this page below

Street trading licence information

You'll need to apply for a licence to trade in

  • covered stalls
  • food vans
  • shop front displays 
  • 'A' board
  • tables and chairs on the street

This can be on the street, pavement or within seven metres distance from the street.

A temporary street trading licence can be issued for up to six months.

Instructions for completing the online application:

Please complete the online application form and make payment. We will provide you with a notice to display at the premises about the application so that people in the area are aware of the application and can comment. 

Please do not place any items on the public highway before you receive your licence as you may receive a fixed penalty notice. 

The Licensing Team will be in contact to let you know the start date of the consultation as approval is first required from our traffic and transport team before the consultation can start (the licensing team will liaise with the traffic and transport team on your behalf). The Licensing Team will then send you the relevant notice to be displayed and advise you further. 

The Licensing Team will be in contact to let you know the start date of the consultation as approval is first required from our traffic and transport team before the consultation can start (the licensing team will liaise with the traffic and transport team on your behalf). The Licensing Team will then send you the relevant notice to be displayed and advise you further. 

Once granted, you will be contacted for the licence fee payment.

Standard Conditions for Street Cafe Licences.

apply online

If you are applying for a street trading licence there will be a 28 day consultation and then a decision will be made if the licence can be granted. 

If You Have An Existing Temporary Street Trading Licence

All temporary street trading licence applications must go through a public consultation even if you have a licence in place.  Therefore, your application must be submitted no later than three months before your existing temporary street trading licence expires to take into account the consultation period (28 days) and if required, hearings before the relevant Licensing Panel.

If we do not receive your application in time and your current licence expires you will not be able to carry out any street trading activities and will need to remove any articles from the pavement until your new licence is in place.

Have your say on a street trading application

There are several important things you should consider when making an objection. Please state the basis of your concerns in relation to the granting of a licence and will only be taken into account if it’s considered relevant.

Please note, it

  • may be rejected if it's considered frivolous, vexatious or repetitive 
  • must be made in writing
  • should include your full name and address (any anonymous correspondence will be rejected)
  • must be received within 28 calendar days of the date the application is made
  • copies of all representations will be supplied in full (including your personal details) to the applicant and will also comprise part of the public papers for the Licensing Panel hearing. 
  • If you do not wish your details to be sent to the applicant, please let us know in your correspondence. The body of your representation will still be forwarded on to the applicant but all identifying details will be removed or redacted. 

If you want to object to an application and agree to the basis on which any representations are considered and dealt with, as set out above, then you must submit your objection in writing to

Hounslow House
7 Bath Road

or online 

Have your say on a street trading application

You can see a list of pending street trading applications here

You can state any objects within 28 days from the start of the consultation period.

How to apply

Download the street trading application form 

Read the street trading policy here 

Complete and return to the address below


Please note that fees for Street Trading are payable in two parts: The Application fee is payable when you submit the application form and the licence fee is payable when your licence is granted. You will not be allowed to trade until BOTH parts of the fee have been paid. The Application Fee is non-refundable, even if your application is refused. You are welcome to pay both parts of the fee when you apply. If you do pay both parts of the fee at the application stage and your application is refused, you will be refunded the licence fee.

Street trading fees and charges 

Application process

  • once your application and fee are received a 28 day consultation period will start
  • consultation takes place with community environment, food safety, health and safety, the highways authority and other relevant authorities
  • after this, your application will be considered by the licensing committee
  • the process can take up to two months
  • applications must be processed before permission is granted

Contact us

Send your completed application to:

Licensing team

Telephone 020 8583 5555

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