Landlords with housing benefit tenants

Give feedback on our new website

We're working on a new website and we'd really appreciate your feedback on it. You can now see this page on our new site and give feedback using the reaction icons at the bottom.

Go to this page on the new website →

If you're a landlord and would like to register for an account, please complete our Housing Benefit contact online form below. Please ensure you provide all your details including your Landlord Reference number.

Housing Benefit contact form

Are you a Landlord in the London Borough of Hounslow?

Being a landlord can be difficult, but to help ease some of the pressures and paperwork of being a landlord, the London Borough of Hounslow is pleased to announce the launch of a new online Landlord Portal. 

Our ambition is to be a completely digital and this service will replace any paper/electronic landlord schedules we currently send out each month. The landlord portal will allow you greater access to information about any of your tenants who receive Housing Benefit and is free of charge.

The portal is being offered to all landlords with Housing Benefit tenants.

If you are a Landlord, you can: 

  • have 24 hour access to your account

  • check payments and give you a breakdown of payments received for each of your tenants where you receive housing benefit directly and to download this to excel

  • view individual cases (where payment is made to you) - such as the amount of entitlement, the amount and date of the next payment due, and the amount of any overpayment clawback

  • report a change in your tenant’s circumstance - this can be done via the Landlord portal and will help us to reduce overpayments made to your tenant

If we haven’t already got your details, you will need to register for the service by providing your full name and address, landlord reference number and a valid email address which we will use to register your account. Once this is provided we will send you your login credentials and instructions to be able to access your account.  

Visit our landlord portal

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