Carer's parking permit

Carers parking permit

If you live in a controlled parking zone and need regular visits from a carer to maintain an independent life, you can apply for a carers parking permit.

Find out if you are in a controlled parking zone using the Find My Nearest map

Check if you're eligible

Where the permit is valid

The permit is only valid in:

  • the controlled parking zone where you live
  • resident bays
  • shared use bays (where residents' parking permits are acceptable)

It's not valid:

  • in business only bays
  • on yellow lines
  • disabled bays
  • in pay to park bays
  • in Hounslow Council car parks

Applying for a permit

Apply for a permit

Before you apply, make sure:


Each permit costs £70.88 and is valid for 12 months. After your application has been processed, we will call you to take payment.

It costs £21 to change the details on your permit or reissue.

Contact us

If you have any questions about your application, please get in touch.

Email the parking team  

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