Register a birth

Same-sex Couples

Married or civil-partner parents - Female parents

Either parent can register the birth on her own if all of the following are true:

  • the mother has a child by donor insemination or fertility treatment
  • she was married or in a civil partnership at the time of the treatment

Unmarried, non-civil-partner parents - Female parents

When a mother isn't married or in a civil partnership, her partner can be seen as the child's second parent if both women:

  • are treated together in the UK by a licensed clinic
  • have made a 'parenthood agreement'

However, for both parents' details to be recorded on the birth certificate, they must do one of the following:

  • register the birth jointly
  • complete a 'Statutory declaration of acknowledgement of parentage' form and one parent takes the signed form when she registers the birth
  • get a document from the court (eg a court order) giving the second female parent parental responsibility and one parent shows the document when she registers the birth

Male couples

Male couples must get a parental order from the court before they can be registered as parents. This can be obtained after the registration of the child by the person who gave birth to the child.

For more information and guidance please visit  Register a birth: Who can register a birth - GOV.UK ( or contact us


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