Order a death certificate
You can order a death certificate from us online or by post, if the death occurred in the London Borough of Hounslow. There is an option to purchase a standard death certificate or a short death certificate. The short death certificate will not show the cause of death.
You can apply in writing by sending us a letter with the full name and surname of the person who has died and the date and place of death. Please ensure you include a contact telephone number, enclose your fee and a stamped address envelope
The fee for a death certificate is £12.50. Cheques or postal orders should be made payable to the London Borough of Hounslow.
All orders are processed approximately 10 workings days from receipt of application. Certificates are posted using the Royal Mail Postal Service, £2.00 within UK or £7.00 for Overseas. We are currently unable to accept credit card telephone applications.
We are unable to provide certificates if you only have a volume and page number, quarter and district. These are the unique index reference for the General Register Office (GRO) and you should direct your application to them.
Visit the General Register Office (GRO) website for info
You may order a certificate through the General Register Office for England and Wales for a death that occured outside the London Borough of Hounslow..
Please contact the General Register Office website or the local register office where the death was registered.
Baby Loss certificate
The Baby Loss Certificate service was launched on 22 February 2024.
It is a voluntary scheme to support parents who have experienced a pregnancy loss before 24 weeks. The certificate is an important acknowledgement of a life lost, but it is not a legal document.
Either parent can apply for a Baby Loss Certificate if they have experienced a loss under 24 weeks since 1 September 2018; are at least 16 years of age; currently live in England and were living in England at the time of the loss.
To apply for a free copy Request a baby loss certificate - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)