Community Led Schemes (CLS)

Community Led Schemes - your questions answered

What are the Community Led Schemes (CLS)?

CLS are local traffic improvement schemes, which are informed by feedback from Hounslow residents, businesses and ward/local councillors. The schemes cover a range of improvements such as upgraded walking, cycling and wheeling routes, road junction improvements, local safety schemes, public transport accessibility improvements and low traffic neighbourhoods.

These schemes will contribute to the Council’s strategies and policies to improve air quality, and create safer roads for walking, cycling, and wheeling.

Why have these schemes been chosen first?

The schemes included in this first phase were chosen as we have been receiving requests for upgrades in these areas for a long time and we feel that these initial schemes were the ones in most dire need of addressing.

How is the CLS programme being funded?

The implementation cost of the CLS Programme is set at £1.5m, which is funded through the Council’s General Fund Capital Programme.

What consultation has been undertaken on the CLS programme?

The schemes were informed by community requests and feedback and the three year programme is based on these earlier requests. The council have agreed the three year programme for 24 schemes over the next three years. Additional schemes will be considered if they can be accommodated with the agreed funding envelope. Where there are changes which may include introducing a pedestrian crossing, changes to a junction layout and parking alterations, residents will be consulted. For smaller more localised schemes i.e. a bus stop upgrade or footpath and carriageway resurfacing residents will be informed of the proposals via newsletters allowing at least 21 days to respond.

When will the schemes be implemented?

It is our intention to deliver all CLS projects between 2022 and 2025.

Delivery of the first CLS began at the end of September 2022.

Will you consider changes to the schemes once they have been implemented?

As we are engaging local communities in advance of the works and developing proposals in-line with best practice and regulations our expectation is for these schemes to be permanent. Local feedback will be reviewed as part of the scheme development allowing for any local changes to be made where this is generally supported and as per the Council's health and safety requirements.

How can I suggest a location for another CLS?

If you would like to make suggestions on other areas where we can make further local transport improvements in this funding window, please email and quote ‘Community Led Schemes’ in the email subject.

However, please note that any suggestions will need to be agreed with other local residents and businesses and may be subject to further consultation.

How will I be notified about upcoming construction works?

All residents and businesses will receive a notification letter ahead of any construction works. These letters will detail what works are being undertaken and what the expected timeframes are.

You will also be provided with contact information, should you wish to get in touch about construction.

If we need to suspend parking bays or close road access points we will make sure to provide a minimum of two weeks notice.

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