Privacy notice

Heston in the Loop resident survey

The London Borough of Hounslow is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. Through this privacy notice we have sought to be as transparent as possible and fully explain how your personal data is held and processed.

This privacy notice applies to the evaluation for Heston in the Loop provided by the Climate Team and explains how we will use your personal information.

If you have any questions about this privacy notice or any concerns about how we process your data, please contact us by email at

A paper copy of this privacy notice is provided to you before the survey commences.

The privacy notice will continue to be monitored and updated. You are advised to check this page from time to time.

What type of information we have

We will collect and process the information described in the following table.

Personal and special category data Reasoning for collection and processing
Attitudes and behaviours For evaluation of the Heston Village Project, providing baseline and post evaluation measures.
Age bracket (optional) For equality and diversity monitoring.
Sex (optional) For equality and diversity monitoring.
Employment status (optional) For equality and diversity monitoring.
Ethnic group (optional) For equality and diversity monitoring.
Disability (optional) For equality and diversity monitoring. We will ask whether you consider yourself to have a disability but not what it is.

Our third-party research providers

Our contracted provider is Winning Moves, an independent consultancy specialising in research and evaluation. They have been contracted to conduct the evaluation of the Heston Village Project, on behalf of the Council and ReLondon (previously 'The London Waste and Recycling Board'). They will only share aggregated and anonymised data with the Council and ReLondon. Read the Winning Moves privacy notice (PDF).

Winning Moves uses a sub-contractor: Pook Fieldwork. This is an independent market research organisation who have been commissioned by Winning Moves to conduct the resident surveys. Read the Pook Fieldwork privacy notice.

Both administer the participation survey on our behalf, and carry out statistical analyses of the survey results in accordance with our instructions. We have a contract in place with Winning Moves. This means that both Winning Moves and its subcontractor must adhere to a set of rules we have put in place to protect the information you provide and cannot do anything with it unless we have specifically instructed them to do this. They will not share your personal data with any organisation except where we authorise them.

How do we get your information?

Winning Moves subcontractor, Pook Fieldwork, obtains information directly from you when you take part in a resident survey conducted by it. Pook Fieldwork then only shares aggregated and anonymised information with Winning Moves for research and evaluation purposes. We only receive aggregated and anonymised data.

Our lawful basis for processing your information

The lawful basis we are relying on to process your personal data is Public Task - Article 6(1)(e) of the UK GDPR, which allows us to process personal data when this is necessary for the performance of our public tasks under Section 57 of the Environment Act 2021 (Part 3 Waste and Resource Efficiency > Managing Waste > 57 separation of waste).

In carrying out this survey, we want to understand the current attitudes and behaviours towards how our residents and community (which is representative of other communities in Hounslow) manage their household waste. In understanding this, we can deliver interventions to improve the separation of waste to the correct material stream.

If the information you provide us contains special category data, such as sex, employment status, disability or ethnic information, the legal basis (under Article 9 UK GDPR) we rely on to process is Substantial Public Interest. The schedule 1 conditions include: Equality of opportunity or treatment.

Providing special category data is completely optional. Special category data will be aggregated and anonymised so it will not be used to identify individuals.

Why we need your information (purposes of processing)

The personal data we collect will be used:

  • for evaluation of the Heston Village Project by providing baseline and post evaluation measure. Your attitude and behaviours are collected to assess the project's impact on behavioural change and the effectiveness of the services.
  • to understand the community's attitudes and behaviours towards the circular economy, and to provide relevant services to meet them.
  • for replicability and lessons learned as a demonstrator project by identifying mistakes, successes, and things that can be adapted and replicated for future projects.
  • for equality and diversity monitoring by collecting special category data (sex, employment status, disability or ethnic information) to ensure we are getting responses that are representative of those living in the project area.
  • to understand and enable the local community to reduce their impact on the environment and reduce the borough's associated carbon emissions. This will help us meet our environment and climate targets.

Who your information may be shared with (internally and externally)

We share aggregated and anonymised information with:

  • ReLondon (previously 'The London Waste and Recycling Board'). This is a partnership of the Mayor of London and the London boroughs to improve waste and resource management and transform the city into a leading low carbon circular economy. ReLondon will jointly fund and deliver the project with the London Borough of Hounslow. ReLondon will not receive any personal information or raw datasets. Read the ReLondon privacy notice.
  • other local authorities and partners. We will produce and share analytical reports assessing the impact of the project on behaviour change.

We are not seeking to share data that is not aggregated and anonymised.

How long we keep your information

Pook Fieldwork will keep the data it has collected from you for the duration of the project and up to one month after it has ended.

Winning Moves will only receive aggregated and anonymised data and will keep it throughout the duration of the project and up to one month after it has ended. We anticipate the project will last until March 2024.

London Borough of Hounslow and ReLondon will only receive and keep aggregated and anonymised data.

Transfers to third countries

All the information you provide us is held within the UK and European Economic Area.

Your data protection rights

In terms of data obtained as part of this survey, we only keep aggregated and anonymised data.

Where personal data which identifies an individual is held, the rights available to you depend on our reason for processing your information. Read about your data protection rights and how to make a request.

Your right to make a complaint

We try to meet the highest standards when collecting and using personal information. For this reason, we take any complaints we receive about this very seriously. We encourage people to bring it to our attention if they think that our collection or use of information is unfair, misleading or inappropriate.

To make a complaint, you can contact:

Complaints Team 
London Borough of Hounslow 
Hounslow House 
7 Bath Road 

Data Protection Officer

Contact our Data Protection Officer by email at

Information Governance Team
London Borough of Hounslow
Hounslow House
7 Bath Road

Information Commissioner's Office

The Information Commissioner is the UK's independent body set up to uphold information rights.

You can find out more about your rights under the Data Protection law, and what you should expect, from the Information Commissioner's Office.

If you have any concerns regarding any privacy practices or about exercising your Data Protection rights, you may contact the Information Commissioner’s Office:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Wilmslow Cheshire

Telephone: 0303 123 1113 or 01625 545 745


A full list of what information we control and process and for what purposes is set out in our notification with the Information Commissioner's Register of Data Controllers. Our registration number is Z5761176. You can view our registration on the Information Commissioner's Office website.

Contact the Climate Team (Climate and Strategic Programmes)

Address: London Borough of Hounslow, Hounslow House, 7 Bath Road, TW3 3EB


Telephone: 020 8583 5555

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