Ways to support your independence

My Independence - advice, information and support

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The My Independence Team is who you should contact if you have questions about issues that affect your ability to live independently, safely and securely. It is a preventative service that can help and advise you on wide range of matters. For example, if:

  • you are not managing at home because of age, illness or disability and need information on care and support or housing options or
  • you think you are at risk of becoming homeless or
  • you are struggling to manage your money and need budgeting, debt or benefits advice or
  • you look after someone as a carer and need support

The My Independence Team is the right service to contact. Residents can access advice, guidance and information on services offered by Hounslow Council, the NHS, and community based services. My Independence Advisers will develop a personalised plan and provide wide-ranging support to help residents regain their independence.

How can we help?

My Independence aims to prevent homelessness and deterioration in people’s physical and mental health, whilst helping them to access community based practical support to address issues such as loneliness and financial problems.

Advisors will link residents with specialised services including supported housing, sheltered accommodation, carer support, as well as health and wellbeing services to ensure that they receive the help they need, which may include:

  • housing advice and support to prevent homelessness – for example, mediation with landlords to prevent eviction
  • advice on housing suitability including sheltered and supported accommodation options
  • support for vulnerable residents and the carers who look after them
  • advice on benefits and money difficulties including falling behind with rent and bills
  • information on vocational training and work opportunities
  • information on what health and community based services might be available to help people live life to the fullest

The above list does not include all the circumstances under which My Independence can advise and offer support – if in doubt, please call or email.

Who can use the My Independence Service?

You can use My Independence if you:

  • are aged 16 years and over
  • live in the London Borough of Hounslow or
  • look after someone who lives in Hounslow as their carer

Contact My Independence

You should not wait until you are in crisis before picking up the phone; you should contact us as early as possible for advice and support.

The My Independence Service is available Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm.

Telephone: 020 8583 3942
 Email: myindependence@hounslow.gov.uk


My independence is the first point of contact within Homelessness, Independence and Preventative Services (HIPS).

My Independence is not an emergency service. Call 999 in a medical emergency – when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk. If you require medical help or advice but it is not a life-threatening situation, you should use the NHS 111 service.

If you need to need assistance from Adult Social Services urgently or need to contact the Safeguarding Team to report an incidence of abuse or neglect, you should call the First Contact Team on 020 8583 3100 (out of hours 020 8583 2222).

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