Linkline - Quick response telephone service

Linkline is a quick response telephone service that lets you tell someone when you need help at home. It offers peace of mind to you and your friends and family.

It costs:

  • nothing to install
  • from £18.16 a month depending on the products and services you choose 

How it works

You receive a small base unit with a trigger button and an accompanying pendant that can be triggered from anywhere in your home.

Once a call is received, our staff will be able to speak to you and decide what action to take. For example, we may call an ambulance, the police, or your GP.

If you are unable to speak, we will contact your nominated key holders and ask them to visit you. These may be family members or friends. 

You will need at least two key holders. If you have a problem providing two key holders, you may be able to use a key safe instead. We can discuss this with you when you apply.

Linkline products

The products and services we have available are:

  • basic pendant and alam unit
  • falls detector, worn on the wrist
  • medication dispenser that sends an alert when medication is missed
  • smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, linked to unit
  • bogus telephone caller alert button
  • GPS tracker for wondering
  • mobile device with no phoneline (generally for people leaving hospital or with short term conditions)

Further information:

Out of hours emergencies 

First, check our out of hours emergencies guidance to decide the best thing to do. 

If you still wish to call Linkline, the phone number is 0300 013 4735.

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