If you are eligible, this service offers carers the opportunity to have a short break from their caring role, safe in the knowledge that their loved one is being cared for by someone with appropriate skills, training and expertise.
Carers can use this time to access support for themselves or to catch up with friends and family to maintain their own relationships and interests.
During the short break the ‘cared for’ person may:
- Go out accompanied by a care support worker
- Carry out a meaningful activity that they enjoy
A carers assessment will be required to ascertain eligibility. For more information on this service, please contact the First Contact Team:
Telephone: 020 8583 3100 (Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm and Friday 9am to 4.45pm)
Email: adultsocialcare@hounslow.gov.uk
Alternatively, you can begin the assessment process online.