Visiting Hounslow House

Hounslow House - travel options

Hounslow House is close to bus, train and tube connections. Residents are advised to travel via public or alternative transport if you need to visit the building.


The closest underground station is Hounslow Central on the Piccadilly line. The station is a five-minute walk to Hounslow House. Turn left out of the station and keep walking until you walk pass Travel Lodge hotel. Keeping walking and you'll see us on the right.


The nearest train station is Hounslow, which is about a 10-minute walk to Hounslow House. Hounslow station is in Travelcard Zone 5. The station and all trains serving it are operated by South West Trains.


The following buses stop within two to three minutes' walk of Hounslow House: H20, 120. Hounslow Bus Station, which is at the end of the High Street, is the terminus for a number of bus routes, and is a ten-minute walk from Hounslow House.

Visitor parking

There is pay to park car parking in two car parks along Montague Road, about three minutes’ walk from Hounslow House, as well as parking at the nearby shopping centre. Disabled bays for Blue Badge holders are available on Lampton Road.

Nearest car parks

There are several car parks under one mile (approximately an 18-minute walk to the furthest) from Hounslow House. Council car parks are open 24 hours a day. Privately owned car parks have a variety of opening and closing times.

Live information on the availability of parking in Hounslow town centre is on the council’s website.

Car park spaces - live 

General on-line parking websites provide opportunities to use a range of standard and alternative parking including spaces for rent from local householders. Individual terms and conditions apply. Links to three online parking sites are below:


The on-site facilities for cyclists include:

  • 46 short-stay spaces in a secure and covered place on the east of the building.
  • Extended cycle way in front of Hounslow House connecting Bath Road and Lampton Road


Free motorcycle parking is available at the Treaty Centre.

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