Corporate Complaints, Comments and Compliments Policy - May 2024

Who the policy affects (scope)

Local residents who interact with the Council's services or are affected by its decisions.

Local businesses that operate within the Council's area.

Local community groups that collaborate with or are impacted by the Council's activities,

projects, or policies.

Visitors to the borough may also encounter situations where they feel the need to raise a

complaint, make a comment or give a compliment regarding facilities, services, or interactions with Council representatives.

Council employees and staff of partner organisations delivering Council services or making decisions may be subject to complaints and are guided by the policy in handling and responding to these issues.

Councillors might receive complaints directly from constituents or may be involved in overseeing the implementation and adherence to this policy.

More broadly, anyone with an interest in the Council's operations, transparency, and accountability can be affected by the effectiveness and fairness of this policy.

There are some types of complaints that fall outside the scope of this policy because there are other, more suitable processes for dealing with them, such as statutory processes or appeals. These are set out in detail at Appendix 2.

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