Give feedback on our new website We're working on a new website and we'd really appreciate your feedback on it. You can now see this page on our new site and give feedback using the reaction icons at the bottom. Go to this page on the new website → How to get support for you or your carer if you are over 65. Support in the home You want to keep your independence, so after an assessment you can get advice and information about: assistance with washing and dressing equipment and adaptations hot meals staying connected and feeling less isolated If you can no longer live at home We can offer you information and advice on: supported housing residential and nursing homes Contact us To discuss your options with the Adult Social Care First Contact Team, including being assessed for support: telephone 020 8583 3100 email Bus pass for older people Living with dementia Sandbanks care home Clifton Gardens care home Activities for the 60 plus Find out more … Activities for the 60 plus Advocacy services