Local Plan review

Local Plan Review - Introduction

Latest news

The Regulation 19 consultation on the Proposed Submission Version of the Hounslow Local Plan 2020-2041 has now closed. You can still view the consultation documents on the consultation homepage. Further details of what happens next are provided on these webpages.

Updated 29th October 2024


Hounslow Local Plan Review

After an independent review of the Local Plan by the planning inspectorate in 2015, the Council were required to prepare two area-specific local plan documents for the Great West Corridor and West of the Borough areas. These were progressed and submitted for examination, but in late 2022 the Inspectors examining the plans raised some potential procedural and legal issues.   

The Council decided to progress the Local Plan review by combining the area based plans and borough-wide Site Allocations document with an updated version of the adopted Local Plan 2015.  This single, comprehensive, updated Local Plan will help enable positive development in the Borough that meets the needs of communities, addresses climate change and enhances the built and natural environment. The new plan will also complement London’s new capital-wide plan that was published in 2021, ensuring that it reflects and builds upon the vision, objectives and planning policies in the London Plan.  

The emerging Hounslow Local Plan 2020-2041 is programmed to be adopted in 2026 and will be a central consideration in the assessment and determination of planning applications in the borough. Please see our Local Development Scheme for details of our local plan programme, and our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) webpage for more details on the local plan process.


Contact us

If you have any queries regarding the Local Plan review please contact us by any of the following means:

Email: spp@hounslow.gov.uk

By post: Spatial Planning Team, Planning and Building, London Borough of Hounslow, Hounslow House, 7 Bath Road, TW3 3EB

If you would like to be updated on the progress of the Local Plan Review, including receiving consultation notifications and information on how you can get involved, please send a request to be added to the Spatial Planning consultation database by emailing spp@hounslow.gov.uk.

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