Local Plan review

Local Plan Review – Regulation 19 Consultation on the Hounslow Local Plan 2020-2041

Please note this consultation is now closed.

Regulation 19, The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012)

The Regulation 19 consultation on the Proposed Submission Version of the Hounslow Local Plan 2020-2041 ran between Friday 6th September and Monday 28th October 2024. This was the final stage of public consultation before the draft Local Plan and all supporting documents are submitted to the Secretary of State for examination by an independent Inspector. 

Please visit our ‘Let’s Talk Hounslow’ consultation homepage for further information on what was consulted upon (including the proposed submission version of the Hounslow Local Plan 2020-2041, as well as all evidence base and supporting documents) and details of how the consultation was undertaken. 

Please follow this link to view the 'Let's Talk Hounslow' consultation homepage: talk.hounslow.gov.uk/local-plan-reg19   

PDF versions of the Regulation 19 proposed submission version of the Hounslow Local Plan 2020-2041 can be viewed below:

What happens next?

The Council will now commence the collation and analysis all comments received during the consultation period. We will then undertake any further work required (including the production of additional background documents and further engagement under the duty to cooperate) before submitting the submission version of the Local Plan and all supporting documents to the Secretary of State. Following this, an independent Inspector (or Inspectors) will be assigned and examination hearing dates will be set. We will update these webpages at each stage of the plan preparation process.  

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